An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings

December 24, 2006

Christmas “Tag”

Filed under: Stuff — olbroad @ 11:26

I got a comment from Ebyjo, stating I had been tagged. I had NO idea what she was talking about till I clicked their site. Ooooooooh….ok…. I think!

This is how it works:
The player (me) must list 3 things that I would love to get for Christmas. Then I must list 3 things that I definitely do not want to get for Christmas. Then I tag 5 friends and list their names. The one I tag needs to write on their blogs about their Christmas wishes then tag 5 more people. They must also clarify all the rules. When you tag someone you need to leave a comment that says “you’ve been Christmas tagged!” in their comments and tell them to read your blog. Okay everybody..

Hmmm… what would I love to get for Christmas! Well, how selfish do I get to be, or do I have to be totally serious? This is a tough one. 🙂

1. I’d love for my oldest granddaughter to get her head screwed on straight BEFORE any drastic message are taken!
2. How ’bout the packing fairies pay a visit to our house and have everything we’re taking to the new house all packed? 🙂
3. I wouldn’t mind winning the lottery so I could buy my daughter a house. Oh, the son in law could move in too. 🙂

What I DON’T want to get:

1. Underwear!
2. Socks!
3. Fruitcake!

Now, who are the next victims…. decisions, decisions…..this one is tough too!

1. Sancho
2. Phelony
3. James
4. Billiam
5. Kristi

Hey, don’t blame me… I’m just passing it along! What else have y’all got to do on Christmas Eve?  LMAO  Sorry…  I’ll try to behave!


  1. Damnit! I missed the game!

    Foolish me… I need to pay attention more.

    I apologize.

    Comment by AShiningCity — January 5, 2007 @ 2:36

  2. LOL That’s alright! No one else “played” either. 😦

    Comment by olbroad — January 5, 2007 @ 4:07

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