An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings

March 20, 2007


Filed under: Crime, Moonbats & Other Animals — olbroad @ 9:05

Ask Me Later names them well as the…..

Scum of the Earth

Kelsey M. Kazik, 20, Milwaukee; Sara Keiza, 17, Milwaukee; Jillian Duckwitz, 21, Milwaukee; Richard A. Ketcham, 22, Milwaukee; Amy M. Barger, 19, West Bend; Jessica L. Brooks, 18, West Bend; Craig R. Barringer, 20, Waukesha; Jonathon W. Wilson, 17, Wauwatosa; David W. Clerkin, 21, Madison; Derek W. Johnson, 17, West Bend; Nathan J. Bartelt, 20, West Bend; Thomas P. Buckholt, 17, Milwaukee; Jeffrey G. Lavato, 18, West Bend; Andrew L. Ortlieb, 24, Milwaukee; and Kathryn E. Jacobs, 20, Milwaukee.

Actions have consequences.  The consequences for their actions, hopefully, will follow them for the rest of their small lives.

Their mamas should be so proud.  (read major sarcasm)

Evening Snack

Filed under: General News — olbroad @ 8:35

Bush warns Dems to take offer in firings

A defiant President Bush warned Democrats Tuesday to accept his offer to have top aides speak about the firings of federal prosecutors only privately and not under oath, or risk a constitutional showdown from which he would not back down.

Is it possible that President Bush is finally growing a spine? (see Flopping Aces)

Cowboys to honor ‘Crazy Ray’
No. 1 fan will be remembered in stadium he loved

Dallas Cowboys officials announced Tuesday that they will host a public memorial for their No. 1 fan and mascot – Wilford “Crazy Ray” Jones – on Saturday at the stadium.

I’m really glad to hear they will be honoring him. He was always a hoot to watch, at the games and on TV. He made a bad game fun to watch.

Capitol Hill tax debate could yield additional ‘tax holidays’ for TN shoppers

Tennessee shoppers could see more tax-free trips to the mall and supermarket as a result of the fight on Capitol Hill to reduce the food tax, some lawmakers said today.

Uh huh. What’s the catch?

Cost-cutting, lax oversight blamed for deadly BP blast

While hourly operators working on the doomed unit made critical mistakes, the deeper, root cause of the blast was management’s lack of commitment to safety, largely evident through years of drastic cost-cutting at the refinery while turning a blind eye to repeated warning signs that a catastrophic event loomed, investigators with the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board said.

Heads are going to roll, as well they should.

La. Governor Announces That She Won’t Seek Reelection

“I am choosing to do what is best for my state,” Blanco said. “I will focus my time and energy for the next nine months on the people’s work, not politics.”

If she wanted to do what was right for the state, why didn’t she step down a long time ago. What are the odds a Republican will get elected? ……… (cue hysterical laughter)

Teen reported for sex attack on dog

A teenager in eastern Sweden has been reported to the police for having sex with a dog in his friend’s bathroom.

The alleged incident happened in Norrköping last Thursday. The man is said to have suddenly taken his friend’s dog, a mongrel bitch, into his bathroom and sexually attacked it, local paper Folkbladet reports. He allegedly gave no warning of what he was about to do.

Can we say sick, demented, son of a bitch?

St. Paul third-grader caught with pot at school

A St. Paul third-grader was suspended Monday after he was found at school with a small bag of marijuana.

Police were called to the school in the 500 block of Concordia Ave. just before noon when a school official learned from another student that the boy had been showing the pot to his friends, according to a police report.

What?? You mean they didn’t slap the cuffs on him, and haul him off to the slammer? Isn’t that what they do to kids who pinch a hinder, or hug a teacher?


Filed under: Political — olbroad @ 4:53

Obama more liberal than Kucinich, analysis reveals

The most liberal member of Congress running for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination isn’t Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio.

It’s Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois.


And the Republican candidate who’s grown less conservative over his years in Congress? Sen. John McCain of Arizona.

Not surprising.

More Disgusting Behavior

Filed under: Cow pies, Personal opinion — olbroad @ 3:10

Pro jihadis? In Portland, OR?




Oh yeah. Real classy. :/  So, in order to annoy a few folks……

….the way I see it, you might be un-American if:

1. You screech and scream hateful words directed to those who support our troops, either in person, or on blogs, or in newsprint.

2. You think Hugo Chavez, Che Guevara or Fidel Castro are the “good guys”.

3. You think Communism didn’t work in the Soviet Union because they just didn’t give it enough time, and you could do a better job.

4. Your favorite pastime is burning the American flag.

5. You wish death on those with whom you disagree.

6. You think those who murder the innocent just need a hug.

7. You believe that talking to those who want to cut your head off will make them like you.

8. You’d prefer defeat.

9. You think it’s ok to spit on people who disagree with you.

10. You want to silence those who disagree with you.

11. You believe destroying private property is a good way to bring about “peace”.

There more I’m sure y’all can come up with, so feel free.

H/T: Little Green Footballs via No Runny Eggs

Theories Not to Be Questioned

Filed under: Education — olbroad @ 12:19

Oregon Biology Teacher Fired Over Bible References

During his eight days as a part-time high school biology teacher, Kris Helphinstine included Biblical references in material he provided to students and gave a PowerPoint presentation that made links between evolution, Nazi Germany and Planned Parenthood.

I’m real curious how he connected the 3. Although…. 🙂

That was enough for the Sisters School Board, which fired the teacher Monday night for deviating from the curriculum on the theory of evolution.

“I think his performance was not just a little bit over the line,” board member Jeff Smith said. “It was a severe contradiction of what we trust teachers to do in our classrooms.”

Isn’t it interesting how a “theory” has become fact?

“Critical thinking is vital to scientific inquiry,” said Helphinstine, who has a master’s degree in science from Oregon State. “My whole purpose was to give accurate information and to get them thinking.”

Helphinstine said he did not teach the idea that God created the world. “I never taught creationism,” he said. “I know what it is, and I went out of my way not to teach it.”

Critical thinking evidently is a thing of the past. If it’s not in the liberal propaganda playbook, it’s not worthy of teaching.

“He took passages that had all kinds of Biblical references,” Rahm said. “It prevented her from learning what she needed to learn.”

Board members met with Helphinstine privately for about 90 minutes before the meeting. The teacher did not stay for the public portion.

“How many minds did he pollute?” Dan Harrison, the father of a student in Helphinstine’s class, said at the meeting. “It’s a thinly veiled attempt to hide his own agenda.”

A better question: How many minds have already been polluted by the public education system?

Think You Are Having a Bad Day?

Filed under: Stuff — olbroad @ 11:45


Thanks Roy. 🙂

Alert! Prayers Answered

Filed under: General News — olbroad @ 10:10

The 12 year old Boy Scout has been found a half mile from where he was last seen!  Alive, but weak from lack of food and water.  Excellent news!!

No Enthusiasm….So Far

Filed under: Politics & Elections, Republicans — olbroad @ 9:34

Just one example of the lack of umph within the Republican Party.

State GOP leaders not enthusiastic about front-runners

None of the GOP presidential front-runners has generated much support among Republican Party loyalists in Texas, whose early favorite to head the ticket in 2008 hasn’t even announced – Newt Gingrich.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney have few enthusiastic backers on the State Republican Executive Committee.

Support for Arizona Sen. John McCain in the party’s governing body appears near zero, according to The Dallas Morning News canvass of committee members.

“I can definitely tell you that if John McCain were the candidate, I probably wouldn’t vote,” said Ellen Guthrie, a committee member from Tyler.

I know the feeling, although I disagree. Even McCain would be better than the Hidlebeast or Obama. The lesser of two evils, is still evil though.

“I’m a little distressed that we don’t have a Reagan and can say, ‘That’s my man,’ ” said Benona Love of Amarillo. “Instead, we have a number of people who all have strong qualities but with feet of clay, unfortunately, like all men do.”

(snicker) It’s a shame we can’t find a strong conservative female. 🙂

“We need a strong candidate with good name ID and a good record and someone who’s well liked and can garner some votes from independent Americans. And I think Giuliani is that guy,” said John Fowler, a GOP committee member from Dallas.

They don’t even mention Fred Thompson, who has serious strong recognition. Who doesn’t know his face? 🙂 Ok, maybe there are a few, who have never turned on a TV, but most people are quite aware of his strong conservative stand.

“I’m certainly not going to support somebody that I don’t think is going to hold spending down and continue to fight the battle for the Reagan social conservative agenda,” said Jane Cansino of Lubbock. “So it’s not just about pragmatism, it’s about principle.”

Sadly, somewhere along the line, Republicans have lost their principles, or refuse to stand up for them. Either way, it doesn’t bode well for conservatives.

“When I look at Mitt, to me he looks plastic. I’m afraid he’s just mouthing the words,” said Russ Duerstine of San Angelo. “He says a lot of the right things, but I’m not sure he’s for real.”

Personally, I think all the front runners have a little plastic in their gene pool. On BOTH sides.

Morning Coffee 3/20/07

Filed under: General News — olbroad @ 8:44

Middle schooler accused of selling marijuana brownies

A teacher apparently saw the boy selling a brownie to another student between classes, Charlotte-Mecklenburg police Sgt. Randy Hagler said.

When a teacher approached the boy, she saw what appeared to be marijuana baked into the brownies.

I wonder who taught the kid such culinary secrets?

Cooper surrenders on DUI charge; blood alcohol level was 0.18

State Sen. Jerry Cooper surrendered Monday on a drunken driving warrant that shows his blood-alcohol level was 0.18 percent in a Feb. 7 wreck that left him injured and delayed his federal land fraud trial.

Great role model. Study hard, grow up to be a state Senator(Dem), become a drunk and a thief. Just peachy.

Protester of group home is targeted
A Norco woman upset over disabled neighbors faces a state and federal investigation for alleged housing discrimination.

The tempest in Norco began in 2005 after the home next to Waltz on Broken Arrow Street was sold. She said she learned from public records that it was to be a group home for “fire-setting,” “sexually inappropriate” and “physically aggressive” people.

I think I’d be protesting too.

Sick day perk found locally
Many area municipalities, schools allow retirement benefit

Public employees from street sweepers to school superintendents in the Milwaukee area receive a retirement perk not commonly seen: the ability to cash out unused sick days as straight cash, in one case to the tune of nearly $70,000.

I think somebody needs to do some serious scrutinizing of public employees contracts.

Mitt’s Commie phrase sparks rage

Politicians in South Florida have lashed out at the former Massachusetts governor and 2008 presidential hopeful for describing the socialist saying “Patria o muerte, venceremos” as “inspiring” and for claimingthe phrase was swiped from liberty-seeking Cubans by leftist admirers of Castro. The phrase, which means “Fatherland or death, we shall overcome,” was bellowed as a political speech sign-off by the dictator for decades.

Suggestion to any and all politicians: Speak your OWN language! Unless you are fluent. You just might end up calling someone a rubber chicken, or praising the murderous Castro. Not a good idea.

‘Israeli should initiative Mideast peace process’

“In so far as peace is concerned, we fail to see any offer, any serious talk of peace,” he said of Olmert’s government. “What we see is the same old policy of building settlements, procrastination, of resorting to tricks one after the other in order to waste time.”

Short of ceasing to exist, just what more is Israel suppose to do?

Scientist Finds the Beginnings of Morality in Primate Behavior

Some animals are surprisingly sensitive to the plight of others. Chimpanzees, who cannot swim, have drowned in zoo moats trying to save others. Given the chance to get food by pulling a chain that would also deliver an electric shock to a companion, rhesus monkeys will starve themselves for several days.

While these critters are becoming moral, we are losing our morality. Interesting.

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