An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings

March 13, 2007

I Feel OLD!

Filed under: Time Waster — olbroad @ 9:27
In 1953 (the year you were born)

Dwight Eisenhower becomes president of the US
President Eisenhower announces that he has given France $60 million for the Indochina War

Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norkay reach the top of Mt. Everest

Julius and Ethel Rosenburg are executed by electrocution at Sing Sing Prison

The Korean War ends in stalemate

The first color television sets go on sale for about $1,175

Ron Jeremy, Tony Blair, Pierce Brosnan, and Kim Basinger are born

New York Yankees win the World Series

Detroit Lions Win the NFL Championship

Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is published

Elvis Presley records for the first time

68% of all United States television sets were tune in to I Love Lucy to watch Lucy give birth

What Happened the Year You Were Born?

I Fear

Filed under: Personal opinion — olbroad @ 9:11

If this is an example of our ‘future leaders’, I’m afraid we are truly sunk.

Evening Snack

Filed under: General News — olbroad @ 7:16

John Kerry Starts ‘Global Warming’ Book Tour

Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts kicked off a 10-city global warming book tour on Monday, promoting a cause whose most high-profile advocate, Democrat Al Gore, also lost a presidential race to George. W. Bush.

“This Moment on Earth: Today’s New Environmentalists and Their Vision for the Future” by Kerry and his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, will be released on March 26.

Ah criminy! Just what we need, another moonbat writing moonbat books for moonbat kool aid drinkers. PFFT!

Saudis: Israel must accept peace initiative unconditionally

The peace initiative calls for a full Israeli withdrawal from areas captured in the 1967 Middle East war and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. In exchange, Israel would receive full diplomatic recognition from the Arab world.

Last month, Foreign Miniter Tzipi Livni rejected the initiative but Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said earlier this week that Israel is giving “seriously consideration” to the plan. Olmert added however that Israel cannot accept the plan without alterations.

Usually, when you gain territory from a war, you don’t give it back, do you?

Daley blasts Blagojevich’s tax plan

“Business people are not fat cats…To describe every major CEO in Illinois as fat cats is a mistake…..They don’t have to be here. They can go to Wisconsin. They can go Indiana. They can go to India. They can go to China. So, if you want to beat up businesses, go beat `em up and when they leave, just wave to `em and they’re going to wave back to you,” Daley said.

Businesses coming to Wisconsin? Not while Gov. Dopey is in charge.

Archbishop condemns cloning bill

Archbishop Hart said yesterday embryonic cloning was “always unethical” and there was “total opposition” from the Catholic Church.

Not being Catholic, I don’t know for sure, but I get the impression that the American Catholics aren’t exactly in step with the rest of the Church? Examples of John Kerry and Teddy Kennedy come to mind.

McGee push for votes hits snag

McGee was left to point fingers at the Election Commission, saying a lack of absentee ballots “disenfranchised” 100 voters who were “turned away” at the offices. But city election officials say those who came toward the end of the day – about 25, with about 10 of those not even living in McGee’s district – were able to vote by paper ballot.
No one, they said, was turned away.

Ummm….if they didn’t live in Jackson/McGee’s district…. I’m sooo confused.

Highlights Tuesday from the Texas Legislature

The Texas House took a swipe at Gov. Rick Perry on Tuesday when they approved a bill that would keep the human papillomavirus vaccine off the list of required shots for school attendance.

Good for them! More research needs to be done about possible side effects before we start forcing our kids to take a shot for anything.

Ya ever have one of those days?

Filed under: Stuff — olbroad @ 1:49

Well, I’m having one today. No particular reason. Just cuz is as good a reason as any. I’m rarely in a bad mood, but for some reason, I woke up in a relatively pissy one. Just cuz.

I’ve almost finished getting stuff together to load in the car for my next round of moving “pleasure”. I have to ask. Why on earth would a woman have a minimum of 10 pairs of black pants? Is there a reason? No, I didn’t think so. So why do I? Granted, they aren’t all the same, but they are all black. Same question on blue ones. Does a person really need more than, say, two of each color? One on the dressy side, one on the more casual side. If they were in a serious variety of sizes, ok, I could understand. But these are all within the same size range, one to two size difference. This tells me I’ve got a serious fluctuation problem, and it tells me I really need to quit shopping for black, or blue, pants for a while. You realize there is a problem when said britches take up an entire GIANT sized suitcase, all by themselves. sigh….  I’m starting to think perhaps I should rent a mini-van, or one of those honkin’ HUGE SUVs (good way to have those with Kerry/Edwards stickers still on their cars to give ya the one finger salute). I love my little PT, but as much room as you think you have in such a vehicle, ya don’t. At least not when it comes to moving, or long term trips with the luggage of two people.

I have also learned that we are paying our cleaning lady for an extra half hour to use gabbing to me. Since I was already in said pissy mood, I didn’t feel like yapping to anyone. She went about her business, evidently aware I wasn’t up to the usual chit chat. At least for a while. She was almost finished, when she plops herself down in the recliner and starts talking about slaughtering a cow. Yep, that’s really something that peaks MY interest. Steaks come from a butcher, the grocery store, or a good steak house. That’s it. That’s all I want to know.

I spent a few minutes this afternoon at the dentist, again, learning how to stick this contraption in my mouth. They had to take another picture of my teeth cuz they messed one up yesterday. I evidently taught them something new today. Large mirrors to NOT fit into small mouths. YEESH! I thought that woman was going to rake the roof of my mouth clean out.  So, like a baby with a nunny (grandchild speak, aka pacifier), my tongue shoves this over sized mirror out, accompanied with the required evil look.

I’d also like to know when our youngest four legged child decided to act like a dog, and drag garbage out of the trash can.

Good Reading

Filed under: Opinion — olbroad @ 1:08

Ernie Is Dead: Web Correspondent Michael Yon Reports From Iraq

Morning Coffee 3/13/07

Filed under: General News — olbroad @ 9:39

Killing won’t stop mayor from proposing to dissolve Fox Lake Police Department

Following Sunday’s apparent homicide, residents are questioning the mayor’s upcoming recommendation to dissolve the Fox Lake Police Department. Mullins plans to introduce an initiative next week during a Committee of the Whole meeting, asking the City Council to approve turning over law enforcement responsibilities to the Dodge County Sheriff’s Department.

The proposal follows in the wake of controversy surrounding Fox Lake Police Chief Patrick Lynch. Lynch was involved in a fight last month with another man over Lynch’s ex-wife.

Then can the chief, not the whole department. Fox Lake deserves some protection. Dodge County is pretty big, so response times would suffer. (Nice to see the Distorter is on top of this story, finally.)

Construction begins on Interstate 40 at exit 80

Construction to widen the shoulders of Interstate 40 at exit 80 began with little fanfare Monday as workers begin the first phase of improvements to one of Jackson’s busiest traffic junctions.

It figures. That just happens to be the exit I take to get to U.S. 64. sigh. Guess I’ll have to figure out a different route. :/

Scientists: Gore Goes Too Far in ‘An Inconvenient Truth’

“I don’t want to pick on Al Gore,” said Don J. Easterbrook, a geologist at Western Washington University, told an annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, according to a report in The New York Times. “But there are a lot of inaccuracies in the statements we are seeing, and we have to temper that with real data.”

Reality smacks algore upside the head, yet will he listen? Naw…he’s got a little golden statue now that says he’s the expect. pffft! After all, he did invent the internet, didn’t he?

Chinese President urges intensive training of armed forces

Chinese President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Hu Jintao on Monday urged the armed forces to keep conducting military trainings so as to provide strong security support for building a well-off and harmonious society.

Translation: All the better to control you with, m’dear!

Tour for gay rights stops at college

Wisconsin Lutheran College officials did not allow the riders on campus, so the group set up camp Monday on the sidewalk in front of the school’s main entrance on Blue Mound Road. Some sang “We Shall Overcome” while others staffed tables with pamphlets for any students who might want to talk.

Equating what these kids are pushing with the Civil Rights movement of the 50s and 60s is just flat out wrong.

Figures show speeding, reckless driving behind highway fatalities

State and national figures show that speeding and reckless driving were key factors in the four year high in the number of highway fatalities in Connecticut in 2006.


Mexico warns jobs key to halting illegals

As President Bush prepares to meet today with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Mr. Calderon and his government are increasingly making it clear the solution to the U.S. illegal immigration problem lies in Mexico.

Gee, ya think?!

Viacom seeks $1B in YouTube lawsuit

Viacom claims that YouTube has displayed more than 160,000 unauthorized video clips from its cable networks, which also include Comedy Central, VH1 and Nickelodeon.

The genie has been let out of the bottle. It’s going to be pretty darn hard to get it back in.


The city Department of Parks & Recreation just advertised that it’s looking to hire up to three puppeteers – for jobs that will pay between $32,275 and $50,242 a year with complete benefits and union representation.

That contrasts sharply with the salary for a rookie NYPD cop, which is a measly $25,100 a year.

Who approved such a stupid idea? I really think New York needs to come back to Reality World.  Priorities people!  Priorities!

Looking For Reasons….

Filed under: Chuckles — olbroad @ 8:56

….to support Fred Thompson for President in ’08?  Go HERE!

Thanks Cal!  🙂

The General’s Opinion

Filed under: Politically INcorrect, U.S. Military — olbroad @ 8:43

Gay advocates demand apology from Pace

A gay advocacy group Tuesday demanded an apology from the Pentagon’s top general for calling homosexuality immoral.

Umm…no….no, he shouldn’t apologize. Why apologize for something you believe? It wouldn’t be a real apology, now would it.

“General Pace’s comments are outrageous, insensitive and disrespectful to the 65,000 lesbian and gay troops now serving in our armed forces,” the advocacy group Servicemembers Legal Defense Network said in a statement on its Web site.

Outrageous? No, I don’t think so. Insensitive? Probably. Disrespectful? Hmmm… not sure.

“I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts,” Pace was quoted as saying in the newspaper interview. “I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is OK to be immoral in any way.”

He believes homosexuality is immoral, based on his Christian upbringing. As a matter of fact, so do I. Just as I believe that stealing, lying, cheating, envy, etc., are immoral.

“As an individual, I would not want (acceptance of gay behavior) to be our policy, just like I would not want it to be our policy that if we were to find out that so-and-so was sleeping with somebody else’s wife, that we would just look the other way, which we do not. We prosecute that kind of immoral behavior,” he said.

Well, he’s right. Condoning adultery isn’t such a great idea.

“Right now there are men and women that are in the battle lines, that are in the trenches, they’re serving their country,” Vizcaino said. “Their sexual orientation has nothing to do with their capability to serve in the U.S. military.”

And that is also true. I don’t believe a person’s ability to serve his or her country is bases in sexual orientation.

I have the utmost respect for any man or woman who volunteers to serve in the military. What their orientation, religion, or color of their eyes, has to do with their ability to serve? I have no idea!

I think the major problem here isn’t the advocacy groups (of all types) aren’t just asking to be treated equally.  I think the problem stems from them demanding special treatment.  Quit pushing people to accept things they cannot accept.  Ask to be accepted as an individual, it would be a LOT easier, on everyone.

It’s not my job to judge anyone.  I can have opinions, I can voice those opinions, thanks to the men and women who have served, and are serving.  It doesn’t much matter what their orientation might be.  I’m free because of them!

Side note:  Saw a guy, I think, on O’Reilly last night talking about “San Fransisco values”.  I gotta tell ya, it’s really hard to take a person dressed as a medieval nun, with white paint and flamboyant make up, seriously.

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