An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings

March 19, 2007

Evening Snack

Filed under: Democrats — olbroad @ 7:54

Pension funds argue in Washington for climate change regulations

Large pension funds, including the Connecticut state pension fund, and companies called Monday for Congress to place limits on emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases blamed for global warming, the latest among several business-oriented groups to call for a national climate policy.

Worry about building the pension fund, and leave the moonbattery to the experts.

20 pygmy rabbits released in Washington

Two groups of tiny, dark-eyed, salt-and-pepper rabbits were released in a sagebrush field in eastern Washington last week, raising the population of Columbia Basin pygmy rabbits in the wild from zero to 20.

They are the smallest rabbits in the United States and one of only two types in North America that dig their own burrows. Adults weigh about a pound, and measure a foot long. The Columbia Basin rabbits are a genetically distinct sub-population of the Great Plains pygmy rabbits found in California, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Utah and Nevada.

Why don’t they just do what bunnies do so well? 🙂

Fla. judge involved in Anna Nicole faces pot charge

A judge who had a secondary role in the recent Anna Nicole Smith proceedings was charged with smoking marijuana in a city park, police said Monday.

Lawrence Korda was smoking marijuana while sitting under a tree Sunday, police said. Three officers who were training there saw Korda and field-tested the cigarette, said Capt. Tony Rode, a police spokesman.

Nice to know someone sworn to uphold the law is incapable of following it, isn’t it.

Virginia Gun Dealers Hold Contest to Protest New York Mayor Bloomberg’s Gun Policy

Amid the Confederate flags, anti-Yankee bumper stickers and Civil War relics on display at Bob Moates Sport Shop, a counterattack against the North is under way.

“Ask about the Bloomberg Gun GiveAway” reads a sign taped to the gun shop’s register, beckoning customers to enter the drawing named for New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, whose federal lawsuits against gun dealers in five states have drawn the wrath of Virginia’s gun enthusiasts.

Bloomberg says the dealers holding the contest are sick. The dealers call Bloomberg names that aren’t fit to print.

And I think it’s quite amusing that a RINO get the slap down. 🙂

State Senate passes ‘Grill Bill’

Only dentists could take impressions for mouth jewelry known as “grills” or “fronts” under a bill passed by Senate today.

The measure sponsored by Sen. Thelma Harper, D-Nashville, is aimed at mall kiosks and jewelry stores that take dental impressions under less-than-sanitary conditions.

The fact there was a need for such a bill scares me.

Mars Caves Revealed in Images

They may not be gold mines, but the discovery of what appears to be caves on Mars could prove just as rich.

Scientists studying infrared and visible images taken by the Mars Odyssey orbiter have found what they believe are seven caves flanking a volcano known as Arsia Mons, located in the planet’s equatorial region.

The finding is significant because caves could have provided shelter for life forms needing protection from solar radiation, cosmic particle bombardments, dust storms and micrometeoroid impacts, said Glen Cushing, with the U.S. Geological Survey in Flagstaff, Ariz.


Loving the South

Filed under: Stuff — olbroad @ 4:47

I finally took my car in to get the brakes fixed this afternoon.  Seems the the rotor fell off and made something grind something else…..whatever that means.  Hey, ya put gas in ’em, make sure the oil gets changed now and then, and they’re suppose to go.  How should I know what a rotor is?

Anyway, I sat at the dealership for about 2 hours and learned all kinds of interesting things, the most important is there are no strangers around here, and if you want to know anything about anyone in town, or out, go spend a couple of hours in the customer’s lounge at the car dealership.  I had a real interesting conversation with a 70 year old Vet.  He’s none too happy about the direction this country seems to heading either, fed up with the types that were in D.C. on Saturday, sick of the President backing down from the Dems, etc.  They service guy who fixed my car was even nice enough to put my newly acquired Tennessee tag on my car.

I was informed by the county clerk who registered my car that I would need 3 forms of ID to get my drivers license.  I guess Tennessee is more concerned with illegals getting a legitimate license and identity theft than Wisconsin.  Hmmm….

Oh, and by the way, it got up to 81 this afternoon.  🙂

Morning Coffee 3/19/07

Filed under: General News — olbroad @ 8:39

Partying teens arrested at 101 mph on Bypass

A Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Department officer stopped a car full of underage drinkers traveling 101 mph down the Highway 151 Bypass last week.

Brains of mush, damned lucky they don’t have splattered brains!

Gore set to change climate on Hill

Democrats, environmental activists and presidential hopefuls are angling to share the spotlight with former Vice President Al Gore this week as he comes to Capitol Hill to testify on global warming.

Yeah, just what Capitol Hill needs, more hot air!

British Airways Places Dead Passenger in First Class Seat

“It was a complete mess — they seemed to have no proper plans in place to deal with the situation,” said Trinder, 54, a businessman from Brackley, Northamptonshire.

What were they suppose to do? Toss her out the window?

Senate Republicans want answers on prosecutor firings

Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee say the Bush administration needs to be more straightforward about the White House’s role in the dismissals of eight federal prosecutors.

Is it any wonder that Republicans out in the real world are disgusted with the D.C. RINOS (per Pete 🙂  )? It would be real nice if they’d stand up to the Democrats instead of ‘following their lead’ of whining. The sucking up must end!

Polish bill would ban gay talk in school

“Polish authorities claim to be protecting families but in fact they are trying to deny children free speech and lifesaving information on HIV/AIDS,” said Scott Long, director of Human Rights Watch’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights Program. “Schools should be training grounds for tolerance, not bastions of repression and discrimination.”

No, actually, schools should be teaching kids how to read, write, add, subtract, etc. They should also be teaching them ethics, which has been sorely lacking in the last 40 years or so.

Boy Scout missing in N.C. wilderness

No one’s sure why 12-year-old Michael Auberry disappeared from his Boy Scout troop’s campsite in Doughton Park. But two days and two freezing nights later, searchers are desperately trying to find him in the rugged terrain of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

I really pray this kid is found safe and sound!

Hamas shoots Israeli despite truce

“The Qassam Brigades announced its responsibility for shooting a Zionist (Israeli) and firing two mortar bombs against a gathering of Zionist soldiers near Karni crossing,” the statement by Hamas’s armed wing said. “Our strikes against the enemy will continue.”

I guess “truce” just isn’t in their vocabulary.

Family finds bomb, carries it to cops

Haas said the device was small, made with a can with a small metal cap, like a can of glue or cleaner used for working with PVC pipes. A powder that may have been an explosive substance was inside, with a wire leading from the cap area. Nails were secured around the outside of the can, as if to supply shrapnel, with the device held together with rubber radiator hose and clamps.

Not exactly something you usually find just laying around, is it?


Filed under: Iraq, Moonbats & Other Animals, Opinion, U.S. Military, War, War on Terror — olbroad @ 7:32

New, less dangerous course needed in Iraq

Today marks the fourth anniversary of this nation’s invasion of Iraq and the beginning of the Iraq war. As this sad anniversary dawns, it is clear that this whole misbegotten venture has been a disaster, both abroad and at home. A new strategy for Iraq is needed.

I’m sure each and every soldier, fighting for your right to be a moron, thanks you.

How big a disaster has the Iraq war been? Well, to date, more than 3,100 American lives have been lost, and thousands more have been wounded.

3,100 lives given for the freedom of another nation, or saving their own. Each should be honored as the hero he, or she is.

Instead of stability, the country is rocked daily with suicide bombings and insurgent attacks. Instead of peace and democracy, the country is in a virtual state of civil war. Even more distressing is that the Bush administration is stubbornly determined to “stay the course” in the hard face of reality in Iraq.

Evidently, no one told the Iraqis, since they seem to be quite pleased with the freedoms they now have. Yes, they know things are rough right now, but small improvements have been made, and it would be nice if the media jackasses would acknowledge that once in a while. If the troops had been allowed to do what they were trained to do, instead of playing PC babysitters, odds are, the bad guys would have taken their bombs and gone elsewhere.

A better way would be to abandon forever the now disproved theory of pre-emptive strikes. If we’ve learned anything from Iraq, it’s that this strategy doesn’t work. Instead of preventing violence, they actually make things worse by encouraging other countries to take steps to protect themselves.

Idiot! I suppose it would be much better for the innocents in America to be slaughter on a regular basis before we strike? We didn’t make things worse, things have been bad in that region for decades, but they had Hussein to keep them in line. I guess his type is this writer’s idea of a hero?

On this sad anniversary, every American should pause to offer thanks to those who have served and sacrificed so bravely in this futile war. We urge President Bush to chart a new, less dangerous and isolated course in Iraq. It is the right thing to do for America and for the people of Iraq.

Just what the hell is a less dangerous WAR?

On this day four years ago, I was in Galveston. I attended a rally in support of our troops on the seawall, then went to have dinner with my sister, niece and granddaughter at The Rain Forest Cafe. The news came we had started bombing Iraq. Yes, it was a sad day that it came to this, but although mistakes have been made, it was not a mistake to take out that madman. It is a mistake to “stay the course”, it is NOT a mistake to expect victory, and nothing less. Let the military do their jobs, and stop Monday morning quarterbacking! You aren’t there, you have NO idea what is really going on. Neither do I, other than what the soldiers themselves have told me. And they are just as sick of the crap spewing out from the media as I am.

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